Sounds of Joy!
Welcome… and thank you for joining me for Sounds of Joy!
Kudos for understanding the importance of cultivating and connecting with joy in the midst of so much fear and conflict in the world. I am also happy to be able to connect with you in this way even when we can’t be together in real time and space. Thankfully, this is a quantum universe, so the healing can still be as powerful!
First, be sure to bookmark this page now so you can easily find it when you want to return to it again.
Next, if you are not going to listen right now, plan a time and mark it in your calendar when you will. Ask household members for support to have uninterrupted time to listen. Honor the timeframe you set as a commitment to yourself and your wellbeing. Everyone in your life will be grateful!

Honestly, I had a fair amount of hesitation to offering this with the theme of joy at a time when social unrest is mounting and many may have sincere difficulty finding any shred of joy. An idea came to mind about how to tweak it slightly, but my guidance said to leave it as “Sounds of Joy!”
If there’s anything we all need right now it is experiences and frequencies to balance the suffering, anxiety, us/them narratives and dark agendas seeking to control us in a myriad of ways.
Taking back our power by cultivating joy within is a revolutionary act. Holding those healing vibrations and sharing them with others (through something as simple as a smile) is one of the most powerful things we can do at this time.
Remember, this recording has also been encoded with energy healing in addition to the healing benefits of the sound. I listened to the full recording, using quantum energetic healing techniques to deliver physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing across space and time to each person who listens to the recording. Trust that each time you listen you will receive exactly what you need according to your connection to source.
In preparation…
1) Secure a space and time where you will not be interrupted. Ask household members to honor your need for this restorative and healing time by not interrupting you for about 2 hours.
2) Create a comfortable spot for yourself. It could be sitting or lying down in whatever way is supportive to your body.
3) Find your best earbuds or headphones. From my experience, they enhance the sound quality greatly and help to feel like you are in the room with the sounds (unless the earphones are old or of poor quality). That said, they are not critical, and some have been having powerful healing experiences without them.
4) Have a glass of water nearby and perhaps a blanket and pillow/bolster for under your knees if you are lying down.
Please Note:
Because sound healing assists in releasing old stuck emotions, there may be some anger, sadness, fear or guilt to move through before you can access the joy. If you notice emotions arising within you as you listen, breathe into them. Let them wash through you, doing your best to not stifle or hold them in. Even let out some sound if that feels right — in whatever way it wants to come out. Allow yourself to truly feel the emotion and let the energy be released. If you breathe into it and allow yourself to feel it (rather than holding the breath and stifling it), the emotion will naturally come to a peak and then fade. You will likely feel lighter afterward and be more able to access joy!
When you are ready to listen, click the video below…
Closing Notes…
Details about the songs with words can be found in the notes under the video on YouTube.
Remember to drink extra water in the next 12-24 hours to help clear any toxins that were released.
If you feel ungrounded afterward (woozy, light-headed, very expanded)… 1) get outside and sit or walk, 2) put your feet on the earth–barefoot or without rubber soles between your feet and the earth is ideal, OR 3) eat/drink something salty.
Listen to your body and heart for the next couple days — notice what your body wants (e.g., more/less sleep, movement, certain foods), journal, pay attention to emotions and dreams. Be in touch if you desire support to process anything that arises.
It’s been a joy (truly!) to share these high-vibe sound vibrations with you. If I can assist you in any other way, you can easily contact me here.
May you know lightness of being and a joyful heart, regardless of external circumstances.
So much love,